Tuesday 8 March 2016

Photoshoot 1: Gender: Women's Rituals

Best Images - 





Editing Process - 
The images above were all edited using the same technique on Photoshop CC 2014 which I will further develop on below. 
The photographs were taken on a Canon EOS 450D using the fully manual settings of:
ISO 200
Manual Focus

I began by using the 'Vibrance' tool and adjusted the properties so the colure were bolder and more reminiscent of Phebe Schmidt's work. I did this by increasing the 'Vibrance' by 40 and the Saturation by 10. 

Secondly, I went to the 'Hue/ Saturation' tool and again increased the saturation as I wasn't please with the first adjustment. I increased the saturation by a further 15.

I was finally happy with the outcome of the saturation and vibrance and the final photographs post editing are featured above. 

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