Information -
Issued 12/04/2016
AS Photography students
Aim: Prepare shoot proposal for the set exam
- Identify materials equipment processes required for the set exam
- Demonstrate an ability to plan for the exam paper
Set exam dates: 19th, 21st, 26th, 28th April
Plan -
My exam proposal is:
I plan to complete two shoots one in the
sub-category of portraiture alongside costumes and props that document gender roles both conformed to and subverted.
I will be working in the following locations (maximum number 2):
Shoot 1 = studio to do male gender stereotype portraits.
Shoot 2 = studio to do female gender stereotype portraits or visa-versa.
I need the following resources(include studio and materials/backdrops, tripods, lights, etc):
I will need:
Two softboxes (lights)
White backdrop
My peers for portraits
My set of objects/ props/ costumes
Table for tabletop some frames
I hope to complete my first shoot on the 19th
at 9.15am thus leaving me until 12.45 to start the editing and evaluation
written process.
I would like to complete my second shoot on
the 21st, unless otherwise ill, from 1.40 pm which gives me until
I will then continue the evaluation written
work and process on the final session date 26th from 9.15am to
Information -
You will need to plan your shoots and include the writing material within the set time schedule… The total exam time is 10 hours
All students working on location must allow sufficient time to complete their write-up within the set exam times
Students are advised to ensure that their exam piece addresses the set assessment objectives.
- Links to “known/established photographers”
- A personal response (original/creative work)
- Record of how the photographs were taken/edited
- How work links with previous posts within the blogger
Refer to the presentation on Qube for full details of the assessment objectives.
All students will need to create the same blog structure as outlined in the hand-out.
ON THURSDAY THE 14TH ALL STUDENTS MUST provide an invite to to have administration rights on their blogger.
Your unit 2 blogger will be locked on the 19th of April.
All students will need to create the same blog structure as outlined in the hand-out.
ON THURSDAY THE 14TH ALL STUDENTS MUST provide an invite to to have administration rights on their blogger.
Your unit 2 blogger will be locked on the 19th of April.
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